24 Feb

Online Accounts and Algorithms

Optimizing online accounts according to the algorithmic guidelines

Businesses can use a variety of strategies in order to establish a valuable online reputation. For both my customers, as well as the participants of a training, I follow a methodology for the optimization of  websites together with social media, find- and visibility in Google and advertisement. At the same time, I tune these toward the belonging algorithms, which in other words also could be described as ‘calculation metrics’’ as they carry a significant relation with the position of both Ad’s and websites, as an example one could think of:

·         Quality score algorithm for Adwords

·         Relevance score algorithm for Ad’s in Facebook

·         Local (Pigeon) for local search results

·         Linkbuilding as an overall algorithm for websites and web pages in Search

Especially for the improvement of find-and visibility in Google, it’s impeccable for companies and their online marketers to understand the regulations of those belonging algorithms. During my career, I too oftentimes saw companies jeopardizing their goal due to a lack of knowledge.

Both Facebook and Google pay attention to visitor behavior and grant those ad’s and websites that obtain the highest score. In my view, it would be highly recommendable if companies, ‘before making an investment,’ examine the amount of experience and knowledge about algorithms, and only seek for those partners/person who can demonstrate a proven track record.