
Analytics with volume of links

Transition to Online Marketing

According to the percentages, Google is by far the most frequently-used search engine on a global scale. In most West European countries, Google scores over 90 percent. In terms of profit, gathered data is really valuable if you know how to use it. We will explain a consistent method of how you can achieve more effective results out of all your ‘relevant‘ online channels. 

Website Performance Indicators (WPI’s)

In general, data collection helps businesses to measure their perfomance in terms of visitor percentage, as well as behavior, and how these aspects correspond to a company’s turnover. In addition, a competitor-analysis allows us to illustrate a company’s online performance in direct comparison to their competitors. 

When it comes to data collection, our method consists of a combination between tools from ‘Google‘ and other (‘non-Google‘) tools. In our view, this method offers the most valuable data about visitor percentage and behavior, and how these aspects interact with a company’s turnover. During our in-company training,  we teach our clients a strategy for both short and long term optimisation.